Clerking Services

Primarily, I provide an independent freelance “Clerk to the Governors” service to school governing bodies.

I undertake this work in the wider context of a clerking and governance consultancy where I provide advice and guidance on
#  setting governance strategy
#  governor’s legal, constitutional and statutory responsibilities
# “best practice” in the operations of the governing body
#  “staying current” on governance legislation and regulations.

A basic element of what I do, is of course to function as the “Meeting Clerk” for Governing Body meetings – whether these are meetings of the Directors or Trustees of MAT Boards (or of individual academies) or a “Meeting of the Governors” as such.

I have some particular expertise in Pupil Exclusions. I am thus available to provide a specialist clerking service as Clerk to Pupil Exclusion Panels and as Clerk to Independent Review Panels.

I also clerk for staff disciplinary meetings, pay appeals panels, complaints panels and various investigatory meetings.

Supporting “schools in crisis” is something of a specialism of mine.  I have good experience in clerking for Interim Executive Boards and School Improvement Boards.

To help school governing body meeting clerks to continue to fill their role effectively, I have developed a “Mentoring and Coaching” service to support clerks in various ways.

Finally – a template for how I would hope that governors might best perceive the Clerk to the Governors function ……..

“”Governors might best think of the effective clerk as a “critical friend” who not only (i) undertakes the core role of “clerk to the governors” (i.e. in respect of the general management of the governing body and it’s programme of meetings) – but who also (ii) functions as a “compliance and legal advisor” to the governors and (iii) supports and guides governors in their key strategic role of ensuring the performance and accountability of the school’s leadership group””.

I am based at Nacton, near Ipswich in Suffolk and generally prefer to work across Suffolk, Essex and Norfolk.

Where I am unable to personally (or immediately) undertake a particular project, I have a network of colleagues who are also independent freelance clerks for school governing bodies and can call on their expertise where appropriate.

For more details on how some of the above services might meet your needs (or indeed, for a basic and more general chat about what I do) please contact me by email at – or by telephone on 07514 499238.

Please click here to see my most recent blog posts.

Governance Consultancy

My schools governance consultancy work often becomes the provision of advice and guidance concerning the role and responsibilities of governors – particularly including the related compliance and legal matters.

I also provide operational and strategic support to governing bodies (as a whole or from the perspective of the Chairperson).

The underlying ethos of my governance consultancy work is, of course always to support governors as they seek “achievement of school improvement” and “enhancement of pupil outcomes”.

As a precursor however, to any particular element of consultancy input on school governance matters, the most valuable tool at my disposal is the ERG – that is, an “External Review of Governance”.

I believe that governors (particularly Chairs of Governing bodies) do need to regularly keep abreast of (i) changes in legislation, (ii) developments in policy and (iii)  evolving expectations of governance.

The advent of academy schools – particularly those in multi-academy trusts (MATs) has placed significantly enhanced responsibility burdens on their governors.  To address this, I now have a number of appropriate resources to support governors of academy schools.

If you are a Chair of Governors and would like to explore how some of the above services might meet your needs (or indeed, for a basic and more general chat about what I do) please contact me by email on – or by telephone on 07514 499238.

I am based at Nacton, near Ipswich in Suffolk and generally prefer to work across Suffolk, Essex and Norfolk.  Where I am unable to personally (or immediately) undertake a particular project, I have a network of colleagues in governance consultancy and can call on their expertise where appropriate.

Please click here to see my most recent blog posts.


My professional background has been in Business Rescue, Risk Management and Corporate Governance.  I also have extensive experience in the company secretary role and as a non-executive director in various sectors.


Having retired from my corporate consultancy business, I have spent recent years extending my general (and long-term) interest in education – by developing a consultancy in school governance.

In particular, I give advice and guidance concerning the role and responsibilities of governors – including the related compliance and legal matters. I can also provide operational and strategic support to governing bodies.


I act as a Clerk to the Governors for some schools on a freelance basis and am able to co-opt other clerks to provide  a clerking service to schools for (all types of) Governors meetings.

I am available to act as Clerk to Pupil Exclusion Panels and Independent Review Panels.

I also run a clerking support service to provide guidance and resources for individual clerks.

For more details on how some of the above services might meet your needs (or indeed, for a basic and more general chat about what I do) please contact me by email at – or by telephone on 07514 499238.


I serve as an Independent Chair of Statutory Independent Review Panels for Student Permanent Exclusion appeals and am available for this role for schools across Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk


Please keep an eye on my blog.   Here you will find broad-based commentary and general analysis on schools governance and related clerking matters.

I particularly seek out and reflect on topical issues in governance and compliance.  My overall aim is to foster discussion and engagement around schools governance topics and related clerking matters.

On my blog you will also find my occasional (slightly idiosyncratic) posts giving a (somewhat subjective) perspective on the “Search for Meaning” – this is where I explore innovative thinking in the broad fields of philosophy, science, creativity, history, psychology and “stuff”.

Please click here to see my most recent blog posts.


External Review of Governance

External Reviews of Governance (ERGs) are independent evaluations designed to assess and enhance the effectiveness of governance within schools and multi-academy trusts (MATs). These reviews provide an objective analysis of a governing board’s structures, processes, and performance, offering actionable insights for improvement. The Department for Education (DfE) recommends that MATs undertake an ERG every three …


For more on how any of my clerking services or my schools governance consultancy might meet your needs (or indeed, for a basic and more general chat about what I do) please contact me by email on – or by telephone on 07514 499238.

I am based at Nacton, near Ipswich in Suffolk and generally prefer to work across Suffolk, Essex and Norfolk.