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Jack Minto, Author at - Page 19 of 20

Keeping Children Safe in Education

We are of course all aware of the updated Statutory Guidance on KCSiE published by DfE that is now current. Click here to read my post on this in July of this year.

TES have published an extremely useful Guide on the new KCSiE requirements.
This is a “more easily digestible” read than the Statutory Guidance itself and would be an appropriate way for Governors and Trustees to familiarise themselves with the subject (and with the 2021 changes in particular).

Click here to get a copy of the TES Guide.

If you would like to review any aspect of KCSiE (generally or as it might impact your school or trust) do please contact me at or on 017514 499238 for a preliminary discussion.

Understanding Your Data – a Guide for School Governor and Academy Trustees

ESFA have today published the above – being a resource that brings together a range of data to help Governors and Trustees analyse, discuss, and challenge the educational and financial performance of their school or academy trust.

The material is categorized across the following seven themes
# Pupil numbers/attendance and exclusions
# Attainment and progress
# Curriculum planning
# Financial management and governance
# Quality assurance
# Safeguarding and well-being
# The (whole) school community.

Click here to access the full document.

If you would like to review any aspect of understanding or analysing school data, do please contact me at or on 017514 499238 for a preliminary discussion (or indeed, for a basic and more general chat about what I do).

DfE’s Trust Capacity Fund (TCaF)

DfE have updated their guidance on how MATs can apply for TCaF (2021 to 2022).

TCaF is a fund of up to £24 million to help trusts develop their capacity to grow and take on underperforming schools in higher need areas.

To access the guidance in full, click here.

If you would like to review any aspect of the DfE’s Trust Capacity Fund or (the practicalities of making a TCaF application) do please contact me at or on 017514 499238 for a preliminary discussion.

Thinking of converting to academy status?

If you are the Headteacher or Chair of Governors of a local-authority-maintained school considering converting to an academy, there is a well-trodden pathway to be followed.

DfE has published an update to the (voluminous) guidance on this.

For an outline of the steps in this process (and to access the guidance in full) click here.

If you would like to review any aspect (whether at the “strategic review” level or to get a perspective on the (sometimes tortuous) “machinery” of achieving academy conversion, do please contact me at or on 017514 499238 for a preliminary discussion (or indeed, for a basic and more general chat about what I do)

DfE list of Approved Academy Sponsors

DfE have updated their list of approved academy sponsors (now includes the lead regional school commissioner (RSC) region).

This will be useful for schools looking for a possible sponsor.

To access the full list of DfE-approved Academy Sponsors click here.

If you are considering “Academisation” in general and would like to review any aspect of that (somewhat daunting) process, do please contact me at or on 017514 499238 for a preliminary discussion.

Keeping children safe in education

Is there anything more important………………?

DfE has today published updated Statutory Guidance for schools and colleges on safeguarding children and safer recruitment – which will come into effect on 1st September 2021.

KCSIE sets out the legal duties that trusts must follow to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people under the age of 18.

Trustees have strategic leadership responsibility for safeguarding arrangements and must ensure compliance with this legislation.

Click on the link here to access this material.

If you would like to review any aspect of KCSiE (generally or as it might impact your school or trust) do please contact me at or on 017514 499238 for a preliminary discussion.

Academy Trust Handbook 2021

Baroness Berridge, Minister for the School System, wrote to all academy trusts on 10th June 2021 advising that the name of the Academies Financial Handbook was changing to the Academy Trust Handbook to reflect its full range of content more accurately.

The 2021 edition of the Handbook will come into effect on 1 September 2021 and includes new information about:

  • trusts’ existing obligations in relation to safeguarding, health and safety, and estates management
  • parental representation on trust governance structures
  • cybercrime
  • external reviews of governance
  • renaming the financial notice to improve (FNtI) to notice to improve (NtI)

Click here to download the 2021 Academy Trust Handbook

If you would like to review any aspect of the Academy Trust Handbook (generally or as it might impact your school or trust) do please contact me at or on 017514 499238 for a preliminary discussion.

Governor and trustee recruitment

If you are looking to recruit to current or upcoming vacancies on your governing board, there are two dedicated, free services that can assist with finding the person with the right skills and experience to fill the role.

To learn more about these services – please use the links below

For school governors – Inspiring Governance – Become a school governor

For academy trustees – Academy Ambassadors

If you would like to review any aspect of Governor or Trustee recruitment (whether via the above tools or more generally) do please contact me at or on 017514 499238 for a preliminary discussion.

Single Academy Trusts (SATs)

DfE is no longer approving the creation of new SATs, and is often encouraging existing SATs to merge or join an existing MAT.

So – “what is the future for SATs?” is the question.

NGA recently held a governance leadership forum event for those governing and leading single academy trusts as a platform for discussion of the matter.

Click here for a summary (by Michael Barton of NGA) of the issues discussed and outcomes from the discussion.

If you are a Headteacher or Chair of Governors in a SAT, and would like to review any aspect of how your trust might evolve, do please contact me at or on 017514 499238 for a preliminary discussion about how that might be addressed.