In October 2024, the Department for Education (DfE) updated its guidelines on the information that schools and multi-academy trusts (MATs) are required to publish online. These revisions aim to enhance transparency and ensure that stakeholders have access to essential information.
Key Updates Include:
- Test and Assessment Results: Schools are now required to publish their most recent key stage performance measures, including the percentage of pupils achieving expected standards in core subjects.
- Pupil Premium and PE and Sport Premium: Clarifications have been made regarding the publication of funding allocation and impact reports. Schools must detail how these funds are utilised to support disadvantaged pupils and promote physical education, including specific spending plans and the measurable impact on pupil outcomes.
- Governance Information: Both schools and MATs are required to provide comprehensive details about their governance structures. This includes the names, roles, and responsibilities of trustees and governors, as well as their relevant business and financial interests.
- Behaviour Policy: Schools must publish an up-to-date behaviour policy outlining the principles guiding pupil behaviour, sanctions, and rewards systems. This ensures that expectations are clear to pupils, parents, and staff.
- Complaints Procedure: A clear and accessible complaints policy must be available online, detailing the process for raising concerns and the steps the school or trust will take to address them.
To access the guidance for maintained schools click here.
To access the guidance for academy schools click here.
Governing Bodies will want to ensure that this information is current and easily accessible on school and MAT websites., since it is crucial for compliance and fosters trust within the school community. Regular reviews of published content are recommended to maintain accuracy and relevance.
If you would like to discuss how the governing body of your maintained school or academy school or trust might optimally be meeting the above requirements (or indeed, to have a basic and more general chat about what I do) please contact me at or on 017514 499238 for a preliminary discussion.