Celebrating the role of the Clerk

NGA, as part of their Visible Governance in Schools campaign, recently undertook an in-depth exploration of the role of the Clerk in governance

Click here for a summary (by Steve Edmonds of NGA) of how the topic was addressed.

You might also be interested in a Guest Blog published by NGA entitled “The invaluable role played by a good Clerk”. This records the practical experiences of one Chair of an Academy Trust in a successful Chair/Clerk collaboration.

Click here to read this in full.

If you are a Chair of Governors and would like to review any aspect of how your trust might best interact with the Clerk, do please contact me at jack@jackminto.com or on 017514 499238 for a preliminary discussion (or indeed, for a basic and more general chat about what I do) .

Long words

Donald Trump has accused President Biden of “assaulting the American people” by using “offensively over-long” words. Mr Trump singled out “hyperbole,” “administer,” and “effective” as examples………………..

Ella Minnow Pea – pangrams and the freedom of speech

Ella Minnow Pea is a novel told through a series of letters, set on the fictional island of Nollop, home to the great Nevin Nollop, inventor of the pangram “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”. The islanders have erected a monument to their hero, but one day the letter ‘z’ falls from the statue’s inscription. To the despair of the residents, the island’s governing council interpret the falling tile as Nollop’s message from beyond the grave and the islanders are forbidden to write or even speak it. And then another letter falls, and another and another…

Mark Dunn tells the fable through the correspondence of Ella Minnow Pea and her family as they race to find the only thing which can save them all from being silenced: another pangram. Somewhere between a game and a political allegory, this hugely enjoyable book is a testament to the glory of language and freedom of speech. For more on Ella Minnow Pean, click here